Saturday, May 17, 2014

Getting answers, making progress

Ron's lab cultures have grown a viral and bacterial "issue". He had parainfluenza type 3 which contributed to the pneumonia developing. The sputum sample has pseudomonas which is an antibiotic resistant bacteria. To treat the respiratory flu, he had an infusion of antibodies-- the one from 1000 donors. Thank you blood donors!! There is not a specific antiviral med for this type of flu.
For the pseudomonas, they have put him back on IV cefapime which is an antibiotic that must be given in the hospital. The bacteria culture is now being tested to see which antibiotic in pill form will best treat it; that result should be back today, so now they are saying he can probably go home Sunday afternoon. His coughing and breathing are much improved. The rapid heart rate, croupy cough, pneumonia and low oxygen saturation were complications of the type 3 flu. He has not needed oxygen the last 2 days.
We will need to come back to AA for ECP light treatments next week. He can't have them when sick because they alter the immune system. The balancing act continues. I will feel okay about going home Sunday, especially since he will be checked next week. He does not complain of rib pain but does take an oxy at night to make sleeping easier. He has not had a fever at all during this illness. Very stoic as you might imagine. Me, too; I guess or maybe getting somewhat numb to all of this.

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