Sunday, June 1, 2014

June, oh, my!!

I have been on information overload this week. We have realized that we are at a transition point in Ron's care, so Cale met us in Ann Arbor on Wednesday and Friday to help with Ron's appointments with his transplant doctor, Dr. Mag, and a new Physical Medicine and Rehab doc, Dr. Smith. (Cale was surprised how young both of them look.) Ron will have another head MRI June 9, and then we may or may not have new information from his neurologist. Ron also has a pulmonary doc and an eye doc in Ann Arbor. As has been the case in the past, after a hospitalization for pneumonia, he loses some ground physically and cognitively. He doesn't seem to go back to where he was before the hospital stay. The difference this time though is that he is breathing much better and says he feels better than he has in weeks. The parainfluenza type 3 was hard on him. The non-Ron behaviors continue with new ones occurring.
During the last two weeks at the lake before heading to our condo, Ron will have at-home PT and check ups by a nurse. Dr. Smith wrote scripts for out patient PT and speech (to work on thought process) which we will start in BG if Ron wants to. He has started to show some displeasure with all of the many appointments and doctors.
May was very busy with looking at and buying a condo, selling Ron's truck, starting to pack things to move to the condo, 6 days in the hospital, appointments for Ron on 5 other days, yardwork begging me to get outside, arrangements for dock and pontoon and movers, etc. lots of mental exercise for me!! Thank heaven for email of documents and electronic signatures!
I have planted some flowers by the house as well as 5 tomato plants. We are mowing over my garden area behind the garage, except for the flowers that I have out there. I have known all winter and spring that a garden would not be possible and can accept that change.
Love to all of you,

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