Monday, June 23, 2014

An Eventful Week

I hardly know where to begin. I went back and read my last blog entry to see where I had left off. Cale had set up some services to help us, and Dr. Mag had given us the required referrals at Ron's last appointment. We now have a "helper" from Home Instead two afternoons a week 1-5 PM. We also have a case study nurse locally for palliative care as needed-- a good resource when issues change or arise.
My good knee became my bad knee as the week progressed due to overdoing during the move and condo set up. By Tuesday evening, I could not bear weight on it so texted friend Jim in the middle of the night requesting his crutches Wednesday morning. He dropped them off early, so I could get around. Doc Wojo made arrangements for me to see an orthopedic doctor that morning. Ron and I are quite the pair! He used his walker, and I crutched into the doc office. After RICE rest, ice, compression, elevation, and a shot of cortisone in my knee, both knees are pretty much normal again. Neighbors and friends have helped us with various things, and when our refrigerator, washer, and dryer are delivered tomorrow, things will definitely be under control. I continued to shop for things we needed but went mostly to Meijer where I could drive a cart and continue to rest my knee. Today I am crutch and cane-free. New appreciation for Ron and others who have to use any device to help walk.
Having help a couple afternoons a week is liberating. Primarily she makes sure Ron stays safe and does light housework. On Wednesday after my doc appointment for my knee, I went to bed to ice and elevate, and she fixed me lunch in bed and cleaned while I napped! On Friday when she was here, I set up PT for BOTH of us at the local hospital, ran errands, and ran into Liz, the teacher who taught next door to me at Kenwood. It was wonderful to visit with the McDonalds parking lot where we both had gone to pick up coffee! This weekend has gone by quickly as I have had time to sleep more (guess that is why I am still awake tonight) and do little things around the home. I am looking forward to spending some time pulling weeds in the landscaping that is beautifully done. I hope it is not too late to plant sunflower seeds from the big sunflower that Abby gave me to grow last year. It grew from 6 inches to way over six or seven feet high!
I am content here and looking forward to connecting with more friends during the weeks we live in BG. It is okay to visit us! --in fact, the WELCOME mat is out!
Love, Ron & Jan


  1. I meant to mention that Anne and George came to see us Thursday! They helped so much, especially since I needed to rest and ice my knee. They brought several wall pictures that I had set aside for them, and it really helped to make things seem more like home. They went above and beyond when changing one of the toilet seats!! (one of those simple jobs that turns into one about 10x harder than you expected) They left as friends arrived to visit and bring dinner.

  2. Drove past your BG abode coming home from Perrysburg today. Saw your door open but wasn't quite sure if I should just "drop" by. LMK when you are up for a visit. I can help with the weeding of your landscape, too. Love ya. Chip

  3. So glad the move is over but sorry to hear about your knee problems. I keep saying that I get one thing fixed & another breaks. Guess that's part of getting old. Yuk! Hope all continues to get better for you both. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob
