Sunday, June 15, 2014

"Our Pond" - View from Kitchen Nook

In the picture below of the entrance to Cogan's Crossing, our home-villa-condo is in the background.

1 comment:

  1. Condo looks great Jan. I noticed that the TV had a golf match playing. Brenda said you had ask about Ron getting help from the VA. I use the VA very little preferring to use civilian doctors for all my major care and paying with Medicare. I'm assuming Ron is 65. I do get some of my basic prescriptions from the VA, but that's about it. We have a nice VA clinic in Winston-Salem, but I see a doctor right here in Kernersville. If you would like to find out details I recommend you contact the nearest American Legion and ask for an appointment to discuss Ron's status. There is a lot of bad press about the VA right now, but I've gotten good services. But remember, for my first 20 years of retirement I was covered by the school systems medical (BCBS) and I've been cover Medicare since I turned 65. Hope this helps. Tell the Doc I said hi and that Brenda and I think of you both often. Dane & Brenda.
