Thursday, June 26, 2014

Our Plan

I think our plan is coming together! It looks like our weeks in BG will also be our timeframe for all appointments. Hopefully, I won't need more orthopedic appointments, but any physical therapy for Ron and me will be scheduled here in Bowling Green. My future dentist appointments, car servicing, etc. will be done here in Ohio. Then when we are at the lake, it will be a vacation from all of that driving and appointments.
Ron has speech evaluation tomorrow to help with thought processing. I am on the fence about doing that until I see what that means and what his needs are. Then I have caregiving time in the afternoon and our new dishwasher is supposed to be installed.
ECP light treatments had a glitch this week. Ron bruises easily due to being on steroids so long. His skin is thin and tears easily. Along the same line, coughing can cause eye bleeds which happens occasionally. He developed an eye bleed in his right eye..the one that has vision, so after being seen by 2 at Mott, instead of ECP on Wednesday we spent two hours in Kellogg Eye Center in AA. We did not get back to the condo until 8:30 last night and had to leave at 6:45 this morning for a treatment as he had been cleared to do so. He did see his regular eye doc, and of course, ECP nurse and PA did not want to make the final call because risking vision in that eye too would be horrible. Along the way in Kellogg he bumped his hand, and we had a new skin tear to deal with. All is under control now. It felt wonderful to get back to BG; it is a 65 minute trip. I loved not having to pack but learned to always carry at least a day's worth of meds with us and his first aid kit..beyond just bandaids. We probably would have bought tooth brushes and stayed at the Hampton and just slept in our clothes, but I didn't bring meds. Some of the things I've done I could not have imagined going to the orthopedic doc last week in my bedclothes!


  1. Hey Jan, don't feel bad about the PJ's, you wouldn't believe how many people I see at the Children's Hospital who are visitors coming in with PJ bottoms & a big T shirt on--mostly women. ??Don't know why.
    Glad your move is working out for you both. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob

  2. Jan,
    You two have been busy !!! Welcome back to BG... who would have thought? I still miss living there. Sounds like this will make some things easier for you both. Plus there are lots of "old" friends there along with family. Perfect. Stay strong and keep the faith. Our best to both of you on this new adventure.
    Love, Hutch and Ginny
