Thursday, March 8, 2012

Home at Gilead Lake: March 7-10, 2012

Very nice to be at home a few days.... Thought I should update everyone! Actually, the doc had suggested that it might be good for us to go home for a few days since Ron only had a blood test this week, so Ron had that done on Tuesday. Cale had come up for a visit, so he went with us and saw part of the new Mott Hospital. The University Hospital, Taubman Center, the Cancer Center, and new Mott are all connected. It is a humongous facility. The Bone Marrow Transplant Clinics and hospital units for adult and pediatric BMT are housed on the 7th floor of new Mott.
As nice as it is to be home, it is a physical challenge for Ron. We only have 3 steps from our living area up to our bedroom and both bathrooms, but he has been having difficulty walking. When we go to the doctor Monday, it is time to line up a physical therapist again. I hope we will be able to arrange all of his care here at home starting about March 22.
It has been nice to talk to a neighbor and have the Griffiths come for dinner tonight and watch some Big Ten BBall Tournament..especially since they brought dinner!! Ron's brother, Rick, also came and cut up a tree that had fallen across our street-side yard. He is coming back to visit again tomorrow and give Ron a haircut. I had buzzed Ron's hair for the last two years, but I like how his hair is growing back in and have convinced him to try just keeping it real short,
It has been enjoyable hearing the birds, the sounds of the sand hill cranes, seeing the spring flowers emerging, and crocus blooms. Our spring fed lake has risen quite a lot since fall, and if the wind just dies down some more, we will be able to hear the waves on our beach up on the deck. I can't help but start to plan my gardening as I walk around the yard!
Love to all of you. I hope everyone has had some warmer early spring days like we have enjoyed.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are able to spend some time at the lake. There is no place like home! Enjoy. Ned & Terry
