Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 28-29, 2012

Sometimes you just don't know where to begin, so here goes. Ron is back in the hospital after falling in our bathroom at 4:30 A.M. Wednesday morning. He did not break anything but has some bumps and bruises. His blood pressure varies significantly from lying down, sitting, and standing positions, so he was not able to go home even though all xrays and CT scans were normal. He is very weak and might need some rehab which would give him more intensive physical therapy. He had had difficulty sitting on the side of the bed and changing positions on his own while lying in the bed.
It has been good for him to have a thorough evaluation while being hospitalized. He has had a transfusion of platelets in case there was a bleed as a result of the fall. He has had several liters of hydration in case dehydration played a part in the fall and BP issue. Tomorrow we will know more about what to expect regarding hospitalization and treatment for his symptoms.
As I told Ron, you are never a dull moment.


  1. My time has arrived!
    I will need to get you on the court and finally show you how it is done1


  2. That would be a great day. The girls will shop for grandkids and ourselves while you rough it up on the court.
    Back atcha...HOWJA
