Friday, March 2, 2012

March 2, 2012 Really?!

Unbelievable! March has arrived...I would say "in like a lamb" in Ann Arbor. Wednesday's appointment went well. A few meds were tweaked based on his bloodtests, and he only needs a hydration IV every other day. We are going to try to skip a weekly appointment, so Ron will only have bloodwork next week. We might go home for 2-3 days if everything falls in place.
What is next? Ron's next appointments are Monday, March 12. He will see his regular doctor, have an infusion of zometa to strength bones, and have a breathing treatment. Then the next day he has a stomach scope to see how/if GVHD is affecting his esophagus and stomach.
The GVHD of the skin is in the resolving stage again which means the red skin has browned and begun to peel. This involves nearly all of his skin. He has not had to have medicated ointments for 2 weeks now. We have switched to aquaphor.
As you can imagine, we are very anxious to be at the stage when it is feasible to go home. We trust that the doctors will make Ron better. There is a long road ahead of Ron to recover muscle strength and endurance, but it is hard for him to muster the motivation due to his fatigue. It will be nice when he can walk outside.
Hanging in there,
Ron & Jan

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