Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14, 2012

Ron takes tacrolimus for his immunosuppresant to counteract rejection symptoms. He has blood tests to check the level of this drug in his body. "the tacro test". (sometimes you just have to laugh; spellcheck changed that to "the taco test"). This is one of the drugs that his body will be weaned off as it finally accepts the bone marrow transplant. He had his last setback about 5 weeks ago when that test number dropped to about 4 as they were tapering the tacro. Currently the doc is trying to keep his tacro number 5-10 which is considered a therapeutic level and will prevent another GVHD outbreak. The body absorbs this drug at varying degrees so thus the frequent blood tests. For whatever reason, his count jumped to 24.7 this week, so that is definitely accountable for some of his current symptoms...asking me the same question several times, lethargic at times, spaciness---all which I thought was just a part of his fatigue. I am hoping for a noticeable improvement by Thursday when he has his next blood test. For now he is off the tacro, so that is 9 less pills each day.
When Ron first took tacro soon after his transplant in August, his number jumped to 21. He was still in the hospital and had auditory hallucinations. He was so convincing that he could hear a radio playing, that I thought I was losing my hearing. That resolved quickly as his level dropped, and I was relieved that my hearing was okay.
Ron was up at 6:30 this morning, so he ate peanut butter crackers and toast and had his morning meds. That is very early for him, but he has several restrictions in eating, drinking, and taking meds prior to his stomach scope EGD at 1:45 today. Now he can sleep until 11:30. I call the morning hours before Ron gets up, "my ME time". I am using yoga and Jullian Michaels DVDs to exercise and for stress relief. I also run the dishwasher and washer and dryer during this time. Sometimes I run to get a few groceries (Meijer is about a mile from us.) and the USA Today and Detroit Free Press.
I feel encouraged with having plans for physical therapy for Ron in the apartment and counseling scheduled.
Time to do some yoga,

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are able to get some me time & some form of exercise as a stress reliever. Everyone says how important it is but as we know it is so hard to do. We are praying for continued improvement & strength for you both. Love Ann & Bob
