Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 12-13, 2012

We have had two busy days. Ron had his regular doctor appointment on Monday as well as a zometa infusion to strengthen his bones and a breathing treatment, so we were at the clinic for 6 hours. Ron's skin has improved, his weight is holding steady, his tremors have lessened, but he has had increased fatigue and less strength. Today we went to his eye doctor because he has retained water in his eyes. It looks like blisters on the eye surface. He must keep his head elevated on two pillows when sleeping. It doesn't bother him. He will also be seen at the Palliative Clinic to get assistance in handling any long term issues. How long...we don't know. He is also going to have a physical therapist come 3 times a week to the apartment, so we will be here for awhile yet. We are hopeful that things will improve quickly. The Palliative Clinic will offer counseling to both of us and ideas for improving our situation in regard to chronic symptoms. His symptoms are ones that can resolve with time.
Tomorrow Ron has his stomach scope, and on Thursday he has another blood test scheduled. Thanks for your continued positive thoughts, prayers, and encouragement. We appreciate it so very much.
Love, Ron & Jan

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