Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Bump in the Road: Day #350 after Transplant

Up late watching the Olympics and cleaning the house because the Amish cleaning ladies come tomorrow.(Some of you will understand this cleaning before the cleaning ladies.) It will be all worth the late night by tomorrow afternoon. I can just try to relax and enjoy having things organized and a clean house and also look out at the newly mowed yard. Thanks, George!
We did make our overnight trip to Ann Arbor. Ron's recovery is at another bump on the road. He is much weaker and has poor balance. On Monday they did an EKG, urinalysis, drew blood to test for several specific more serious viruses and blood infection. They also took chest xrays and did his regular blood tests. At this point nothing has developed in the cultures, and the virus tests were negative. The chest xray was clear. So that is all good news except that we still don't know what is causing his symptoms. It could be a run of the mill virus but is affecting him more seriously because of his compromised immunity. He has slept a lot today, and has not had a fever. I hope tomorrow is a much better day. His regular blood tests were okay...consistent with two weeks ago. It is a stressful mystery.

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