Sunday, August 12, 2012

I am wired, so I blog...

In a few words, Ron is back in the hospital at the University of Michigan. His symptoms had escalated especially Thursday through Saturday, so the clinic kept in contact daily. As it turns out, he developed a urinary tract infection and pneumonia. Matt went with us to the U of M E.R. This morning. It was pretty rough with the confusion, tremors, and emotional aspect of feeling so sick and being back in the hospital again. Now he is resting so peacefully, so his IV meds are doing their work.

Ron will be in the hospital 2-3 more days. He is in the Bone Marrow Transplant unit on 7th floor in the new Mott Hospital. It is spacious and high tech. Luckily, his primary BMT doc is on service this week for in-patients. He knows Ron's story, so that makes it incredibly easier. When the third medical person in the ER said, "So what brings you to the ER today?" I thought that I was going to have a meltdown. Overall, they started his bloodwork and other tests quickly, and also started his treatment before moving him to Mott. The hospitals and clinics are all connected, so they just moved him in his bed. Dr. Mag examined him and talked to us as soon as we arrived in Mott, and he will see him again in the morning.


  1. Oh my gosh, even just going in with a cold to a regular doctor office gets annoying playing the repeat game...I could not imagine in your case with Uncle Ron. Thanks for the update, we are wishing him a quick recovery and to feel better soon. Jill

  2. Sally & Nancy MorrisAugust 13, 2012 at 10:39 AM

    Hi, Guys! Sally here. I woke up (here at mom and dad's), sat down to my morning coffee, and realized mom forgot her cell phone. On the screen was your blog, and as I read it I realized I needed to say a prayer, so I did. The reason I'm writing, though, is to let you know that mom reads your updates every day without fail, anxiously and periodically checks until they appear, and worries if they don't. She's not very "tech savvy" and probably would have no idea how to post a comment, and since she's given me a break by taking the grandkids shopping with her, I thought I would let you know how much she thinks of you. I'll bet she's sent a lot of prayers your way and I know you're on her mind a lot! Hang in there!
    All our love,
    Sally and Nancy and family

  3. Praying that this too will pass and that Ron will become stronger and able to return home soon. I'm so glad Matt was with you to help. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob

  4. So sorry to hear Ron back in hospital...keeping you both in our thoughts and prayers and that you can return to your lake home soon. Take care. HUGS.....Ned and Terry

  5. The wagons continue to circle us sending prayers and positive thoughts. Thanks to all and a special thanks to the above family members and Army friends. It is such a comfort to know so many of you are out there keeping us in your thoughts. Had a couple special voice mails on my cell phone today, too. Love to all, Jan
