Friday, November 8, 2013


Ron has been hospitalized for pneumonia. He saw a pulmonary doctor on Monday because the CT scan showed probable fungal infection. She ordered a bronch scope on Thursday. He has also had another head MRI and light therapy. During the prep for the bronch, I was told that he probably would not be able to go home because he was requiring oxygen. His need for more oxygen as the evening progressed and a fever were symptoms of his pneumonia, but they also think he had a medication interaction that caused his blood to carry less oxygen. So he was breathing rapidly and required quite a bit of oxygen during the night. He is much better this morning and afternoon, and his oxygen requirement is about half of what it was. He will be hospitalized into next week. He has bacterial growth in his lungs as well as fungal, so his medications are being adjusted to cover those needs. His MRI showed no progression in his brain lesions. Yeah!
Being in the hospital is exhausting!! It didn't help that we were awake and stressed during most of the night.
Getting great care,
Ron & Jan


  1. And on top of that you had your first snow!! The hits keep coming. You are a good nurse for sure Jan... Stay strong and give our best to your buddy there. Hugs and Love,
    Ginny and Hutch

  2. Ron's new personality is much more mellow, but last night he was agitated..which I guess is a common side effect of respiratory distress. Thanks for keeping in touch. We are much better today.
