Monday, November 11, 2013

Testing Testing

This was a busy day. Ron does not require breathing treatments during the night, so fewer sleep interruptions was (were?)appreciated. Ron started the day by a trip to the Cardiovascular Center for an echo ultrasound test of his heart. The bloodwork that might indicate a heart related event was negative. He is still on the heart monitor, but there is not a significant change from normal results. The first EKGs showed irregularities that were aggravated by respiratory distress.

Now he is just on an inhaler as needed. Twice a day seems to be what is needed. He is not on oxygen any more. His BP is normal again, so overall, he has responded very well and quickly to treatment.

His lungs are fighting infection. His staph infection in his lungs is MRSA --same as in January, and this time in addition to that, he has pseudomonas and an aspergillus fungal infection.

The PT came today to access his physical therapy needs. He will need to work on strength again especially in hips and thighs and also work on balance. He will resume ECP when his infection is under control, so we proceed and have a feel for the direction we are headed. Controlling a chronic illness is now a shift in thought for me although that has been the case for quite some time.

Tracy, his PA from the first rounds of chemotherapy in 2010, first remission, and chemo during relapse which led up to the bone marrow transplant, visited today. So much has happened in the past 2 1/2 years, so many changes in Ron. It was a tearful visit for me.

Bloodtests are being done to check the absorption levels of the antibiotics and anti fungal to see if the dosage is correct for him. This can vary person to person. The treatment plan needs to be in place before we can go home, and the aim is still Wednesday. The testing is wrapping up...I think.

Love and thanks for the prayers, good wishes, and positive thoughts that I feel coming our way.


  1. Always in our thoughts and prayers..hoping you will be able to return home soon..Hugs...Ned ànd Terry

  2. Sending you good vibes and a snow ball from PA. Our first "laying" snow. Of course you beat us in that contest. Hope you two can get back to the "cottage" and be snug as bugs once again. Our love to both of you. Hetch and Ginger
