Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday - 4th day in hospital

We have more information today. Lab tests have identified two bacteria in Ron's lungs-- staph aureus which could be MRSA again and pseudomonas. He was already on IV antibiotics that will cover them, but they did up the dose. Today a doc from cardiology came to examine Ron and discuss some abnormality in his EKGs. He has now had 4 EKGs done, and the change is not severe but needs to be investigated more. He is on a heart monitor to gather more information and might have an echo test tomorrow. Dr. Couriel has been in to see Ron Saturday and Sunday, and he will be on service for in-patients this week too.
We walked in the hallway today, and he does feel better. We have enjoyed some football and our naps too. --still catching up from our all-nighter on Thursday. I sleep in Ron's room..not too bad actually. We think this is the 14th hospitalization since his diagnosis of AML in April 2010. All of his rounds of chemotherapy required hospital stays; then there was the transplant itself and many complications. Over 200 nights in the hospital now.
We had a nice visit from Cale today. He can give his sibs his perspective of things here in Ann Arbor. :-)
Ron & Jan

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