Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23, 2012: Day 243 after transplant

Grinding. It seems that the order for progress is physical therapy. Ron has shown improvement since his admittance at Heartland Health Care Center. Although his blood pressure readings continue to drop significantly when standing, there is improvement, and a new medication is not the answer. Building muscle is the answer. Ron will be staying here at least two more weeks, so he can have intensive physical therapy. His bloodwork is okay by transplant standards. The platelets will be the last to recover.


  1. Ron,

    Are you grinding coffee or what? Glad you are holding your weight... apparently I weigh more than you now. Thanks a lot for that...Could it be DQ? I bet. Speaking of ice cream, we had about 6 inches of's still here. Insane.
    Keep on keeping on..we love ya..Ginger and Hetch

  2. I am Sandy Jakubiks sister my husband had his transplant last July we have had many challenges as you, Scott is doing better but continues to run into problems, overall things are getting better. I wish you both the best of luck and God Bless you.

    Evelyn Taylor

  3. Thanks for the messages! Ginny, you make us both laugh and so sorry about the late snowstorm!
    Evelyn, thanks for your kind words, and when I too look at the big picture, Ron's progress is good, and we will soon be able to return to our home. The cure came at a high price but I must remember that both remissions have been gifts of time and am so thankful.

  4. We will have PT at Wee Cottage this summer :)

  5. Can't wait until you both get home!!! Go Tigers! Go Uncle Ron! Go Aunt Jan! Keep moving forward... ~Jill
