Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Can't help but think about the ambulance ride to U of M Hospital from Coldwater Hospital 2 years ago when Ron was so sick with infections as a result of the AML. I remember asking our local doc on March 31, "Do you mean that he is going to have to spend the night in the hospital?". So much has happens in two years with 9 months of remission sandwiched in the middle.
Ron's care and doctor support has not missed a beat over the weekend. At this point they have decided not to add any meds and not to stop any meds and concentrate on physical therapy to treat the orthostatic BP. This intense physical therapy will be in a rehabilitation facility. His symptoms have remained nearly the same since his hospitalization.
I know that we will learn a lot more about rehab tomorrow. It will take place in Ann Arbor and the doc requested that I stay with him. Ron is on board with all of this. In spite of everything he has had to endure, he continues to want to get better.
Love you and your support, prayers, positive thoughts, and humor.
Ron & Jan


  1. Jan - I am inspired every time I read this blog. Tell Doc that Mort says "Keep on Grinding". Greg and Janet
