Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The move to Heartland Health Care Center has not happened yet. Not all of the Tricare insurance paperwork is yet in order, so we will spend another night on 8B in U of M Hospital. I can't imagine a unit feeling more like family than 8B does. Many RNs have come to see us, and two brought wedding and baby pictures. The one who married in the fall had told us that she and her then fiancé thought they would travel in Michigan north of here for their honeymoon, so last July out came the maps, and Ron planned the itinerary for their trip. We love northern Michigan (lower peninsula) in the fall, especially the Leelanau area...the pinkie finger area for those of you who think of the lower peninsula of Michigan as the shape of a mitten. It will be special to make that trip again maybe Fall 2012.
We are hanging out at the hospital until the move. It would not be safe for me to manage Ron's care at the apartment. He is way too shaky on his feet and needs help when moving in the bed. He continues to receive the same amount of fluids IV as I was giving him at the apartment. There won't be any med changes until rehab is underway and his progress can be observed. Ready to get the show on the road!!!
I am thinking new target date for the move home: May 1.
Love, Ron & Jan

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