Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Monday-Tuesday, April 9-10, 2012

Snow fell today on the lovely pink dogwood blossoms. It was breezy and spit snow for most of the day. Ron had had a low grade fever for a couple days, so they are not going to give him another roommate. It makes a HUGE difference to be able to have the divider curtains pulled back and the window in view. The room looks at least 3x larger.
The doctor's appointment went well yesterday. I had to get up early to get myself ready, drive here, get Ron ready, and be at the hospital by 8:00. His bloodwork was good, no red flags, or levels lower than what they had expected. They took his bloood pressure lying, sitting, and standing and saw firsthand how it drops dramatically when on his feet. The therapy here at Heartland Health Care Center will help build muscle to counteract this. It won't happen overnight, but he seems to slowly be gaining a little strength. The plan is for them to work their magic here and not go back to the clinic for two weeks. He has about 2.5 hours of therapy spread out through the day. His U of M clinic appointments have been rescheduled, so he doesn't have to leave here the rest of this week or next.

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