Monday, April 23, 2012

New Week: April 23, 2012

Today is doctor day. We will leave for the BMT Clinic in Mott Hospital at about 1:00. Today Ron sees his primary doc, Dr. Magenau. This includes PA Tim Higgins, and nurse Maria. On Wednesday he will see his symptom management doc, Dr. Urba. His therapy will continue here at Heartland Health Care Center for about two more weeks. The session that he misses this afternoon will be made up on the weekend. He will have one session this morning before lunch. His blood pressure drops have improved but still a problem. He is definitely stronger, and we are anxious to see what his bloodwork from this morning shows.
Overall, the food is quite good here. We only had to make runs twice to buy something else. Yesterday his weight was the same as 2 weeks ago. 151.2 lbs. We are happy when it stays out of the 140s.
Thanks for your continued support in so many ways: checking the blog, sending positive thoughts and prayers our way, a note to Ron, a newspaper clipping, a text or email, etc. Yes, he is still grinding. We still believe there will be a good outcome after this long recovery.
Love, Ron & Jan

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