Sunday, January 6, 2013

Grinding...16 & 1/2 months since transplant

Hope all of you are enjoying being on the other side of the holidays. Even I feel like we are returning to our schedule. Ron has a dental appointment and two physical therapy sessions this week. He will also have a weekly bloodtest on Tuesday and phone call with his doc to check progress. It seems like he will have a good progress report. His skin is healing, and he continues to cough, but it is not as rough as it was. He does not run a fever.
The current goal is to be well enough to travel to Florida in February to Matt's promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. Ron cannot drive, so it will take us longer to travel. We are driving to avoid being locked into dates and restrictions in packing. I always pack one bag with his medications and medical information. Obviously,we have to stay flexible. We are fortunate to not have other commitments that restrict our decisions.
I did not make any resolutions although we do have some projects in mind, and the seed catalogs have started to arrive in the mail. It is important for both of us to continue to set goals.
Love and wishes to you for a happy, healthy new year,
Ron & Jan

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