Sunday, January 13, 2013

Winter returns...

Looking ahead to this week---Ron will have appointments 4 of the 5 days. He has physical therapy Monday and Friday, and we will be in Ann Arbor Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tuesday he sees his neurologist, and Wednesday he sees his transplant doctor and has a transfusion of zometa to strengthen his bones.
The symptoms of his last flare up are resolving, but he continues to have a cough which could last for awhile yet, and his arms continue to be blotchy where his skin is affected by cGVHD. Other than his arms, his skin outbreak is healing well. Best of all, his strength is returning. He continues to use a cane to walk safely; it not only helps him with balance, but he also uses it to test surface height especially on curbs, stairs, and doorways. Ron continues to learn how to compensate for his vision loss. Now that the new golf season has started, he realizes that he cannot track the path of the golf ball on TV. Again he adjusts. It is good to see that he continues to take notes on things, makes detailed lists, and puts all activities on a calendar. He is also re-reading one of his favorite books.
Winter has returned after a few warm days. We watched the ice go out on the lake, but it should return again this week.
Be safe on your winter travels.
Love, Ron & Jan

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