Thursday, January 31, 2013

Update- 5th Day in AA

Ron continues to improve. He is on a low level of oxygen support and still having breathing treatments every 4 hours. He will not need breathing treatments when we go home, but there is a possibility that he will have oxygen at home if needed. Preliminary tests continue to "only" show staph infection in his lungs, but all symptoms have greatly improved. He has not had a fever since the first day.
Because he will go home prior to the full course of IV antibiotics and because he will have ECP light therapy for several weeks which requires two lines, he is going to have a central line (port -- neostar)again. It is a surgical procedure and will be done late today or tomorrow. He had his first port for over 9 months. With all of the pokes he has had in the last 5 days, it will be good for him to have a port again.
Ron is still lobbying to be home in his own chair for the Super Bowl, but I would rather stay until Monday and not have to come back next week for ECP or a check up. Don't know if he should go a week+ without a check up. We will see how the making of arrangements goes-- especially in regard to the placement of the Neostar and ECP treatments.

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