Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sad Duck with Migrating Geese

Hundreds of migrating Canada Geese settle at Gilead Lake each day. They roost on the ice and swim where there is open water. Sad Duck enjoys all of the company but will be sad again when the lake is totally frozen over, and the geese have gone.

Ron's bloodwork in Coldwater today showed that he continues to improve. He also had a physical therapy session. It tires him, but he enjoys getting back at the physical activity, and it gives me a chance to run quick errands while we are in town. I checked (Ron's: My U of M Health Report online) the results of last week's bloodwork at U of M. The IGG test was very near normal which shows his immunity is very much improved since its 303 level prior to the IVIG infusion. Cautiously optimistic that this train is turned around.
Ron & Jan

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