Saturday, August 29, 2015

A few more details...

Today was primarily changing gears. During a crisis including calling 911 and 2 ambulance rides, the adrenalin pumps you up and seems to somewhat sustain you through the questions and answers of hospital days. Then you are hyped up because you're going home; this is followed by a bit of a crash which translates to a long nap at home. Ron and I both slept this afternoon.
Cale's family had brought a Panera breakfast, and the admitting physical therapist arrived near noon and was here about an hour. Ron will have PT at home. He has walked more around the villa today than he did all week in the hospital. So many good reasons to be back home.
Ron has return appointments at U of M the next two Thursdays. While on this antibiotic, kidney function has to be monitored. This situation is a good example of why we decided to buy the villa in Bowling Green. We have had to be in Ann Arbor more weeks than not the last 3 months. Those would be trips twice as far from the lake and would have required more nights at the Hampton.
The DVT and blood thinner issue is unresolved. Ron had tried xarelto but it caused increased bleeding and bruising, so the dose was cut to 1/3 of the original to a very low dose. It was held 5 days prior to the oral surgery that is now postponed. When they resumed it in the hospital, more bleeding after only one pill, so now we will have a discussion with Dr. Mag about this Thursday. I am preparing myself that he might need to go back on the Lovenox belly shots. So many issues are related to each other.
Enough for today! I need to start tonight's infusion of cefepime. The 10:00 and 10:00 schedule works well for us.

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