Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Cancellation of lung scope

We were on the way to University Hospital About 9:45 when the transporter received a message that the lung scope had been cancelled. Actually, the same thing happened in June. The sputum culture is showing pseudomonas again, the antibiotics are knocking out the pneumonia, so they do not feel any risk warrants this procedure. Now they run sensitivity tests on the pseudomonas, so they can stop any antibiotics that are unnecessary.
Ron did have an allergic reaction to the lidocaine in his last bronch, so they were going to use general anesthesia this time. Anyway, over all, this is a good thing that they do not feel it is necessary at this time to do the scope due to potential problems for Ron. So this decision brought in a parade of doctors. First the PA was here, the pharmacist, the BMT doctor on service for hospitalized transplant patients, the pulmonary doc and team, the infectious disease doc, and the respiratory therapist. The whole team will decide how to move ahead with treatment for the pseudomonas which appears to be colonized in his lungs which means that it is not going away. (But not always an active infection)
The other good news is that is the first time in over three years that he did not test positive for MRSA or another antibiotic resistant bacteria, so this time he is allowed to leave his room, and I am allowed to use the lounge, exercise room, washing machines and dryers, and the other common areas on 7th floor. Also, everyone who comes in his room no longer has to gown up.
He might get to go home Thursday but it will probably be Friday. He will also be evaluated by a physical therapist. He is definitely weaker but has only lost about 3 pounds.
Need to post this! I have been working on it for 3 hours because so many interruptions!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! Well, this is one way to move forward. So glad that the good news came quickly :) Chip
