Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Camping in a hospital

That is sorta what it feels like. At least we have more privileges this time to move around and use all resources on 7th floor Mott Hospital- adult bone marrow transplant wing. I eat and sleep in Ron's room, and I just finished our laundry which is located in a nook in the family lounge. I can use his bathroom and shower. You never know when one of his doctors is dropping in, and I don't like to miss any information. Ron often does not give accurate information-- for example today he told them that he had been taking walks out in the hallway. He might tell them that he has been golfing a couple times a week and riding his stationary bike 3-4 times a week. These are all things that he knows he should do and would enjoy doing. I feel bad about sitting out of his sight shaking my head no to the doctor.
Today has not been too eventful. We have learned that I will need to give him IV antibiotics for 3 weeks when we get home. After he was discharged from the hospital in June, I only had to do this for 9 days. Now they are saying maybe Friday. (Cale, thanks for taking care of Blue.) Ron is only on 1 IV antibiotic now--the one that I will give him at home. The physical therapist came in shortly to catch up on what has been happening. She has helped Ron before. She will do a formal evaluation tomorrow. She will also make recommendations about having oxygen at home. I don't know what his PT plan will be when we get home. I also don't know how our calendar will jibe with all of this. I have learned to stay flexible, and Ron's medical needs will drive the train.
Here's a funny story: Abby, our 8 year old granddaughter in Germany messaged her Aunt Nicci in VA. She said I heard that Pa is sick again. What is going on? Nicci messaged back giving an age appropriate gist of things. Abby replied, thanks. My Mom wouldn't tell me. LOL

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