Sunday, August 23, 2015

Not So Fast

I had to call 911 for Ron this morning. We were in Bowling Green at our villa, and he became short of breath. We arrived at Wood County Hospital about 8:00. He was there 3 hours and then sent to U of M Hospital by ambulance. He has pneumonia and will be here about 4 days. He has already started to improve with IV antibiotics and feels so much better on oxygen. There is a slight chance that they will do his oral surgery while he is here. Actually, I think that might help with documenting the dental procedure done because of medical necessity. (Which will help insurance-wise.) Things feel under control.


  1. so sorry to hear about the latest bump in the always thoughts and prayers coming your way...HUGS..Ned & Terry

  2. Oh my.... Praying for a speedy recovery and successful oral surgery. Strength for you, Jan.

