Thursday, August 27, 2015

Home tomorrow...probably

Nothing much new today except that the sensitivity tests on the pneumonia bug in Ron's lungs indicate that he is already on the best medicine for it. Ron takes 3 antibiotics, but they do not treat this stubborn pseudomonas. That is why he will continue to require IV antibiotics at home with cefepime.
I did get a copy of Ron's chest CT scan. They compared it to June's 2 months ago. The affected area in the lower lobes has increased and now there is extensive abnormal involvement in the bronchial walls. This is a progressive issue caused by graft versus host disease in his lungs. I will request a full work up by his pulmonary doctor when he is better. It is quite possible that he will continue to not need oxygen at home. As I understand, the progression is really not predictable. It seems like the oral surgery will be delayed indefinitely.
So for now, the goal will be to get stronger, and he has some weight to gain back. He is so ready to get home, so he can sleep more. That would go for me, too. (The part about the sleep:)
They took Ron off the diabetic menu today, and he can order anything. He needs almost no insulin, he is losing weight, and I had been buying more food for him and raiding the patient refreshment room. The ECP nurses had told me a long time ago to let him eat whatever he wants to and just cover it with insulin as needed. Common sense. He stays pretty steady at about 35 lbs below his start weight but has weighed 30 lbs less than he does now. His weight now is the happy medium.
So excited that we will probably go to our BG home tomorrow afternoon.


  1. Good to hear. If you need anything once you are back in BG...just call or text me. Chip

  2. Thanks Chip! I will need to get out and have coffee with you and Nancy!!

  3. You got it!! Name your time and day :) Chip
