Sunday, August 9, 2015

Are you ready for some football?

Where has the summer gone? I think we always ask ourselves that about this time. I remember always being excited for the new school year to start..when I was a student and also when a teacher. Football is another sure sign that summer is coming to a close. Ron and I both enjoy the fall months that will soon be here. We are hoping to make our annual trip to northern Michigan to see fall colors and hopefully, a trip to Virginia at Thanksgiving time.
We have decided to take the plunge and have scheduled Ron for oral surgery August 24. What is left of his teeth needs to be extracted. His surgery will take place at University Hospital- U of M. This is going to be our first insurance battle. I can hardly stand to think about it! I know we have been so fortunate to not have had this be a worry earlier.
Ron continues to adjust to xarelto for his blood thinner. The first dose (which he took 2 weeks) was too much for him which led to bleeding, so now he is on a lower dose every other day. He continues to have ECP treatments to counteract his body's rejection to the blood products made by his new bone marrow. He had his 118th treatment this week. Insurance does cover his treatments.
Ron's transplant was 4 years ago this month. He has been through so many complications and hospitalizations since then. We could never have imagined how much our lives would change. There is no way to predict what lies ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Jan, you and Ron always are in my prayers. I so admire you for your courage and your dedication during all this!!
