Wednesday, June 8, 2016

A Busy Morning

After being away from the room 11-5:00 yesterday for the stress test, I guess that I expected the morning to not be so busy. Ron had his 135th extracorporeal photopheresis treatment in the room this morning. ECP. The ECP machine is large but on wheels and portable. That is his last treatment, and his central line was going to be removed. If he doesn't have to go home on IV antibiotics, it might be removed. The lab is still working on which antibiotic will be most effective, and it looks like he will go home with oxygen. Something new for us. The projected day to go back home to Bowling Green is Friday. Blue will meow for a whole day when we get back. Cale is taking care of his needs while we are away.
Ron also had a preliminary swallow test, and now a moving barium xray of his swallowing motion has been ordered. Coughing while eating and food getting into his lungs might be a contributing factor to his too frequent pneumonia. GVHD can affect the swallowing motion of the esophagus. So there are answers still waiting to be figured out, but the field is being narrowed.
Two weeks ago he was on Cedar Lake Golf Course with brother-in-law George playing "modified" golf. A week ago is when this hospital adventure started.

1 comment:

  1. Jan, Good news on the heart situation. Been following your latest adventure. Sounds like maybe you will be taking your groom home but with some added equipment etc. It certainly is never boring. You are a trooper... Hutch and I send our very best to both of you. Onward. Love, Hutch and Ginny
