Saturday, June 4, 2016

Back Home in Mott

It's a feeling of relief to be back in familiar surroundings with nurses that we know. They swarmed in to Ron's room and made "quick" work of the admitting process. They have collected blood (And other bodily fluids) for several tests, are reviewing the info and tests on CD sent from Bowling Green. Ron will be seen by a cardiologist here. Both in the room and in the ambulance he has had periods of time when his heart rate fluctuates too much. 60s to above 100 in a matter of ten or so seconds. It is much more steady now. 70s-80s. Cardiac issues are new territory for us.
So it is a roller coaster ride; scary when the alarms went off about his heart rate; the PA and nurse were already in the room. Ron had a good late lunch and is sleeping now. I am going to try to take a nap, so we can both be sleeping during the Tigers game!
Know that we're in good hands here, and any specialists needed will be called in.

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