Sunday, June 12, 2016

Nurse Jan

I always appreciate even more what Ron's nurses do when we're back home. Also, after having several days of adrenaline-driven energy, I feel a bit of a crash. Ron's pneumonia seems to continue to affect his heart rhythm and requirement for a little oxygen. Hope those things have resolved when we go back up to AA on Thursday. Ron's new medications are Coreg and Lipitor. We never know how Ron will handle new medications, so I am mother hen keeping an eye on things. His bloodwork on Thursday will give valuable info. We did not request setting up a home nurse visit or PT this time. Ron hardly walked during the time he was in the hospital.
We hope to return to the lake on Friday. That depends on Thursday's appointment. If nothing else, we are flexible. I did get out in my BG flower beds today. I can hardly believe everything that is in bloom, and I had brought a few things to plant two weeks ago. Done! My therapy.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like digging in the dirt to renew your spirit. Take care of your flowers and yourself. Hoping the best for old Ron man... give him a pinch for me.
