Saturday, June 4, 2016

Still Playing the Waiting Game but Making Progress!

Transfer to U of M from another hospital has always been much quicker in the past because it was an ER to ER transfer. Ron was admitted to a room here after his evaluation in the ER, so his transfer to AA will be to a hospital room (not to the ER) in University Hospital or Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at Mott Hospital. I just talked to admitting at U of M, and they somewhat assured me that the transfer would be today as discharges are scheduled. Probably afternoon some time. Ron has been accepted by an admitting doctor there---a hospitalist in Internal Medicine. His prior infectious disease doctor's department was internal medicine. So that probably means University Hospital.
The admitting doctor here just came to see us, and all numbers are improving. His white blood cell count is already back in the normal range! He has talked to the cardiologist here and in AA. The heart enzyme warning could just have been related to pulmonary stress/pneumonia, not a mild heart attack. My guess is that the heart echo test assisted in coming to that conclusion.
Now the nurse has come in and told us that he will be admitted to Mott Hospital where the BMT unit is, and he has a new admitting doctor there. Yeah!! They know Ron's story, so that makes it much easier. The doctor told us that the ambulance is approved and so that shouldn't be another big wait time. Also, again they're telling us afternoon departure from here. Things are definitely looking better.

1 comment:

  1. Jan, I know how stressful this is for you & hope you are taking care of yourself too. Hopefully the transfer will be quick and smooth and Ron can be where they know his whole case history. You are in our prayers. Love & hugs. Ann & Bob
