Saturday, June 4, 2016

Settling in at Mott Hospital: Bone Marrow Transplant Services

University of Michigan bone marrow transplant services are located on 7th floor of Mott Hospital...connected to University Hospital. 7th floor is where Ron comes to the BMT Clinic; it's directly next to the inpatient area where Ron is now.
The condition that is new is a cardiac problem. PVC premature ventricular contractions. He has these extra heart beats occasionally at rest, but they occur frequently with any exertion-- even standing to use a urinal or taking a few steps into the bathroom. He has electronic monitoring, so his monitor beeps as his heart rate looks like it varies quite a bit. There will be a lot of data for the cardiologist, and I know enough to know that I really don't understand how to interpret the monitor. So he is on a new med for this condition, and the dreaded belly Lovenox shots have resumed so he doesn't have a blood clot problem. Not sure what to expect in the next few days. This hospital stay will probably be about 5 days, so things planned for this week will be changed.

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