Monday, June 6, 2016


Ron has had pulmonary team visits, cardiology team visits, wound care visit, and BMT team visit. He feels a bit overwhelmed and has had a sleepy day. He has been taken off IV antibiotics except for one--cefepime. The pulmonary team is waiting to see what all the sputum culture grows before they make the decision about doing the bronch scope of his lungs. They have evidence of fungal and bacterial pneumonia. His lungs have worsened since August.
His wounds are now minor, nothing beyond what I have taken care of before.
They are certain that Ron has coronary disease. If they do a heart catherization, it will be when the pneumonia is resolved enough for discharge. The other path to take is a stress test and treat medically, but the stress test might also indicate that he needs the heart catherization. Likely there are stents that would be placed at that time. Being discharged by Wednesday is not going to happen.

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