Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Stress Test - Cardiovascular Center- U of M

It was decided that Ron would not have the lung Bronch scope at this time. His sputum culture is growing bacteria to use in sensitivity testing to determine the best antibiotic regime for him. He is also growing the same yeast that is used to make beer...interesting! A bronch is still possible, but not probable because the culture is giving them info.
After much discussion and teamwork between pulmonary, cardiology, and bone marrow transplant, a cardiac stress test was ordered. It can take 3-6 hours, and that is where we are. They are about to begin. His stress test is chemical to simulate exercise. It is possible that they will find results that he needs a heart cath to take care of a blockage, probably using a stent. Ron is willing to have that done to improve quality of life, making it easier for him to do normal activities. At this time he is very limited in even being able to walk more than a few steps. Cardiac has said that they would not do a cath until his pneumonia is clearly under control. This is the 7th hospitalization for pneumonia since 2012.
Thanks for all prayers and positive vibes being sent our way. So glad that Cale set up the blog for me in 2010, so I have a means to get the same information out to all of you.
Love, Jan

1 comment:

  1. I meant to add that Mott Hospital Bone Marrow Transplant, University Hospital, Cardiovascular Center, etc are all connected. They transport Ron by a motorized guerny, and I go with him. I am also staying in his room at night.
