Monday, August 22, 2011

A Change in Plans! Day -1A

The stem cell transplant has been changed to Wednesday. Not enough stem cells were harvested in the donor's first procedure, so a second will be done tomorrow. During the exchange of information with Ron's P.A. and the transplant coordinator, enough clues about time zones and the stem cells arrival at the Detroit Airport 9:00 AM Wednesday were revealed to guess that they are coming from Europe. They should be processed and ready for transplant by early afternoon.
This day is now referred to as Day -1A, and tomorrow will be a second day of rest: Day -1B. The stem cell transplant (or bone marrow transplant) will still be on Day 0 which is now Wednesday, August 24.


  1. I wonder if Ron will now be able to speak German ? Mort

  2. I have been thinking about this all I will think all day tomorrow! Love you both!
