Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day -3 and Counting

The day that Ron was admitted was day -6. He will have his last round of chemo tomorrow, Sunday, day -2. Day -1 is a day of rest, and the transplant is on day 0. Today was the first day that he had vomiting from the chemo. (of all seven rounds of chemotherapy). He has not felt very well all day, but we are settled in watching the Detroit Tigers now.
I taped family pictures on the wall today, and we saw the doe again down on the soccer fields. We had seen her in May, June, and July, but today there were 2 fawns with her! Next week Ron will pass the 100 day mark of days spent in the U of Michigan Hospital in the last 17 months.
I am going to try to make a short blog entry each day for the next two weeks...perhaps longer to keep you informed of Ron's progress through his bone marrow transplant. Thanks for your support. Jan

1 comment:

  1. We stand with you today and tomorrow ! Mort and Jan
