Sunday, August 28, 2011

Saturday, August 27: Day +3

Ron's bloodwork today indicated that he has moved into the time period when he is neutropenic which means his white blood cell count is extremely low. This is the expected outcome of chemotherapy. His other blood cells, platelets and red blood cells, are dropping, too, so he will soon enter the transfusion dependent time period. About Day +12 his new immune system should start producing new blood cells. If his donor had had a different blood type, Ron's blood type would have changed. (but he was also A+)
Ron had an MRI today to check on neurological changes. They do it all here...24-7! The test was to check to see how he was reacting to part of his anti-rejection medication. The tweaking of medications continues.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Spock on StarTrek was neutropenic also so be sure to check Ron's ears. If they become pointed at the top, look out. Mort
