Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Our move to Ann Arbor has gone smoothly. Our apartment is totally furnished, including linens, kitchen items, and even a grill with charcoal and lighter! Traveling to the hospital in the morning I pass the U of M stadium in less than 5 minutes; it is beautifully lit and reminds me of the Roman Coliseum with its many arches. With low traffic at this time I can arrive at the hospital in about 20 minutes. Ron was admitted as scheduled on Wednesday, and these two days have been incredibly busy with paperwork, tests, questionnaires, and initial visits by a large number of medical and support personnel who are responsible for his care during the transplant. We have met part of these caregivers from earlier hospitalizations.
Ron's chemotherapy started early this morning. One of the chemo drugs required several follow up blood samples which will be flown to Seattle overnight for special testing. The tests determine the exact dose for him. He will have a 4 day regimen of chemo, a day of rest, and then the stem cell transplant on August 23. They have started him on several precautionary meds to lessen side effects.
So we have arrived at the goal that had been set once his AML relapsed in May. We are so grateful for this opportunity to find his cure, but it is also a very scary time for us. We are also very grateful for the international donor who has begun the neupogen injections to boost his bone marrow's production of stem cells for the harvest. The coordination required to make all of this happen is truly amazing.

Ron's 63rd birthday is September 4. Following is his hospital address in case you would like to send him birthday and get well messages. I know that would mean a lot to him. He has always been very sentimental about recognizing others special days.

Ron Hover
U of M Hospital
Unit 8A Room 8409
1500 East Medical Center Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0110

Thanks so much for your support and positive spirit. Love, Jan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0110

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