Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 31, 2011: Day +7 (after transplant)

Ron has begun his 3rd week of this hospitalization and passed the 100 day mark for total days at U of M Hospital for his treatment of acute myeloid leukemia. He will probably be hospitalized for at least 10 more days. It all depends on how he reacts to the engraftment of his new immune system and how well he tolerates his low blood counts over the next few days. His medical team has been treating him for a rash the past 24 hours. They have determined that its probable cause is a drug reaction..more tweaking as well as adding antihistamines and hydrocortisone cream for his skin. The itching is annoying!
We will miss celebrating Labor Day at Gilead Lake. Our pontoon boat is already in storage. What a celebration it will be when we can launch it next spring! Enjoy the holiday weekend.
Love, Ron & Jan

What is Ron's address?? Scroll down to the August 18 entry.


  1. Ron and Jan, What an incredible journey you are experiencing. I am so grateful that medical advances are making this recovery possible for you. May you continue to heal and find peace in your lives.

    My prayers are with you.
    Sherry Frye

  2. HEY DOC - - - After over 50 years of playing at golf, and quite a few rounds with you and Gomer, today I made a HOLE IN ONE. Hole #4, 153 yards, feathered a 7 iron right into the hole ! I knew you would want to know ! Mort
