Monday, August 22, 2011

Day -1: A Day of Rest

Tomorrow is the stem cell transplant! It is possible that it will not take place until evening. The International donor is having his stem cells harvested today, and they will be flown to the Detroit Airport. A professional courier handles the transfer to University of Michigan Hospital. The cells are processed and counted...about 2,000,000 cells are transfused. If there is a surplus, they will be frozen and stored in case he needs more later.
Ron is feeling a little better today, and we are anxious to hear an update on the transport of the stem cells. We are so grateful for Ron's previous weeks of care on 8B that made this transplant possible. His former P.A. came to visit us this morning and wish Ron well. We appreciate your interest and concern as you follow this blog. We feel the positive vibes rolling in.
Ron & Jan


  1. We are thinking of you Ron - stay strong!
    Jodi & Dave Anderson

  2. so glad jessica posted this link to facebook. i had no idea about any of this, and very glad to be in the loop now. i'm thinking about you guys so much right now and will be all day tomorrow. jan, please let me know if you need anything. (734) 717 9388. i'd love to come visit as soon as you are up to company. lots of love caitlin

  3. Thanks for your support! We truly feel the strength of those surrounding us with positive thoughts. Love, Ron & Jan
