Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day of Transplant: Day 0

Everything has gone well. Ron had his pre meds starting at about 10:30, and the stem cells were brought to the room at about 11:30 for transfusion/transplant. It felt like high drama for us with a huge feeling of relief when the actual transplant was done. Then both of us slept for about 2 hours! Ron continues to nap. Part of his pre meds are also sedating, and neither of us had slept very well or very long last night.

The stem cells had an amazing journey from somewhere in Europe to Ron. The final count was 5.6 million cells; it looked similar to an IV unit of blood and was about 1/2 liter in volume. The transfusion lasted about 1/2 hour. These baby stem cells will have traveled to the marrow in Ron's big bones in the next 24 hours. There they engraph and mature to white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. This recovery (a new immune system) does not become apparent in blood tests for 12-14 days.

By the weekend Ron will be transfusion dependent, needing transfusions of red blood cells and platelets, and his immunity will be very low. Extra precautions are in place to help prevent infection. But today we celebrate because this amazing opportunity to find a cure for Ron has occurred. We are humbled by all that has taken place both medically and through the support of family, friends, and University of Michigan personnel.
Ron & Jan


  1. Jan and Ron,

    We've been following your posts and have kept you close in our thoughts and prayers. I have goosebumps reading about all that has transpired, and today we celebrate with you.
    Our best wishes are coming your way,

    Joan and Bob

  2. I am a friend of Niccole's who met her dad (for just a couple of minutes) at her party when you 2 were here. I was going through treatment for breast cancer at the time, and am now finished. I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers daily - you are going through an amazing, difficult journey. Holly

  3. i am so happy all went well on day 0! thinking of you so much now. lots of love-- caitlin

  4. It is hard to describe the anticipation / tension that had built up for day 0. It was a difficult morning for Ron, and after the transplant, both of us felt exhausted. Day +1 has been a good one. Jan
