Monday, August 29, 2011

Day +5: A Good Monday

We are starting to look ahead a little more. For awhile, just dealing with everything in the moment was more than enough to absorb. On day +30 Ron will have a bone marrow biopsy to retrieve a sample to see what percentage of the cells are produced from his new immune system and what percentage are from his old immune system. By the biopsy on Day +100, 100% of the blood cells should be from his new immune system. Along the way he will discontinue some anti rejection meds and taper off on his remaining meds.

Almost all transplant patients have at least mild symptoms of graft versus host disease. (GVHD)..or some rejection. Ron will probably start to experience some symptoms in about 10 days. He is a part of a study that is treating him with Embrel now and at day+28 starting a light therapy. More later on this; I am especially excited that he is a part of this study as it may reduce GVHD and his need for steroids.

A good day. Thanks for your continued support and concern.
Sincerely, Ron & Jan

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