Friday, October 7, 2011

Day # 44. October 7, 2011, Friday

Another challenging day. Doctor Magenau told us today that this would be a long haul. Ron continues to take a heavy dose of steroids to control his graft versus host disease which for him causes skin and GI tract problems. In addition he is diagnosed with 2 viruses which have developed and are a challenge to treat because he is on steroids. The treatment plan for now is at home medications in the form of ointments, pills, and IV infusions which I am able to administer. He also returns to the hospital 4 days next week for labs, infusions that can't be done at home, light therapy, and doctor visits. We much prefer this instead of hospitalization. The steroids basically kick your butt, so Ron is using a walker now; it especially effects your big muscles; he really notices it in his thighs.
His weight was almost the same today, so adding gummy worms and Dots to his diet must have helped! He eats very small portions of everything. Nurse Jan was very tired today because of watching the Tigers beat the Yankees. It was a nerve wracking game, so I had a terrible time falling asleep. Then up early and off to the hospital!
We are excited about the weekend at home in the apartment. Love and thanks for your support, Ron & Jan
1455 Oak Valley Drive
Apt. 103. Bldg. 26
Ann Arbor, MI. 48108

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