Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 58: October 21, 2011

Exhausting. We left for the Cancer Clinic at 8:00 this morning and were back home to the apartment at 6:00. All stops were scheduled, and this is what we do for Ron to stay out of the hospital as an in-patient. Both of us have remembered how great it feels to have the weekend arrive. Appointments are scheduled back in the clinic on Monday morning, but ah-h-h two days to be on our own schedule sounds wonderful!
Ron tolerated the IV IG infusion well. It was a collection of antibodies from 1000 donors and should boost his immune system. The second infusion was a treatment for the BK and CMV viruses which make him feel crummy and have unpleasant symptoms, especially affecting the bladder. So now we are back home, and he is having his at-home meds and IVs and mostly napping.
Glad today is over and hoping today's treatments start to make him feel better.

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