Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Days 41-42. October 4-5, 2011

We are back home after a full day at the hospital. Ron had a lab appointment, doctor appointment, and his third light therapy. He continues to feel very weak due to the steroids he takes which combat the symptoms of graft versus host disease. He has now developed a second virus because of his suppressed immune system. The viruses are ones that he carried but didn't develop when his immune system wasn't compromised. His steroid dose has been decreased, but it is a balance between steroids to control GVHD symptoms and allowing the immune system to work.
Today's blood test results will determine if he needs to be hospitalized again for more aggressive treatment. He continues to lose weight but has not had a fever. His goal is to eat at least 600 calories a day. He has been able to add a few gummy worms and Dots to his list of food allowed, so that has added calories and carbs to his intake; he is on a very low fat diet. He does not want to go back in the hospital unless absolutely necessary. We really like Ron's primary transplant doctor, Dr. John Magenau and his clinic P.A., Tim Higgins. They are a good team. And Ron and I continue to be a good team.

1 comment:

  1. Save them left over DOTS for me !

    I LIKE them!

    600 cal??? I consume that much in pepper...... per meal!

    Get to eating!

