Saturday, October 15, 2011

Friday-Saturday, October 14-15

The second infusion went long wait like the first time, so I didn't walk in bawling this time. Funny odd what can push you over the edge of composure. Ron is not scheduled to go back to the clinic until Wednesday. Backing off steroids has made him even weaker, and with an extremely compromised immune system, the possibility of falling and being exposed to an illness are worrisome. I am diligent to the point he asks me to back off at times. He is an amazingly agreeable patient most of the time.
This morning he has stayed in bed and is sleeping. Isn't it hard to imagine him still in bed at almost noon? The PA told me yesterday that lots of sleep is good to help his body heal.
Go Spartans! ...and Buckeyes, don't embarrass yourselves. I hope they have a better game; our Buckeye Nation is in an uproar. Guess I will get out of my jammies and put on a Buckeye shirt. Tonight I will be wearing some Detroit Tiger gear.
Love to all of you, Ron & Jan

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