Friday, October 14, 2011

Day #50 Thursday, October, 13, 2011

We have been going through a huge collection of mail brought to us from home. The number of catalogs and return address labels we receive is amazing. The inspirational messages on cards and the handwritten notes of encouragement are priceless. Thanks for communicating with us through email, the blog, and text messages too. We feel very connected to family and friends, and as one friend put it, that support is profound.
Ron's PA called today to let us know that a blood test result indicated that Ron's immune system has reached a low level that requires an infusion treatment. It had been trending down the past few weeks, so this was not totally unexpected. I believe this treatment is called an IV IG. He will meet with us Friday afternoon to let us know the specifics. Ron already has his second infusion treatment for the viruses scheduled for 3:00 Friday.
Now onto sports: we enjoyed the Detroit Tigers victory today... We were not ready yet for their season to be over! Everyone is gearing up for the Michigan-Michigan State football game Saturday. We especially look forward to the weekends with no medical appointments and many games to entertain us. It is a great diversion.
Love, Ron & Jan

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